Within Windows, there are multiple keyboard shortcuts for simplifying processes in Windows. Some of these shortcuts are exclusively for Application Window Management. Below are a few helpful shortcuts, along with short demonstrations.
Alt + Tab
Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Key + D
This keyboard shortcut allows one to show or hide their entire desktop with a simple shortcut. To use, hold the Windows Key and press D. This will minimize all open application windows. To show the application windows again, use the same shortcut again. See below for a demonstration.
Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Key + Arrow Keys
To employ this shortcut, press and hold the Windows key while tapping an arrow key until the open window is arranged as desired. This feature enables users to manage and arrange open windows on their desktops. Refer to the command list and screen demonstrations tailored for Windows 10 and 11 below:
Windows 10
Windows 11
Command List
Windows logo key + Up arrow: Maximize the Current Window/Application.
Windows logo key + Down arrow: Minimizes the Current Window/Application
Windows logo key + Left arrow: Maximize the Current Window/Application to the left side of the screen.
Windows logo key + Right arrow: Maximize Current Window/Application to the right side of the screen